Woeful Marie!
She does look glum.
Spare us your asides!
On with it.
I am found out!
You betrayed me, Marie!
To save my son.
To save your son,
you betray his father!
I shall feign tenderness.
My poor Marie!
Robert! My poor Robert!
Did you really commit
all those crimes?
What can I say, Marie?
No one's perfect.
- Stop!
- That's not in the play!
Your play's empty.
It needs some padding.
That's right!
Your poor"inn" is empty.
Think the audience
will bring their supper?
They'll bring tomatoes!
You call this a drama?
Some drama... and in three acts.
One each. To be fair.
Three acts!
I call them actionable!
Don't play with words.
What can I play with?
Your ideas? You have none!
Come now!
We can't be insulted by someone
who got his start in pantomimes...
- On his hands!
- Why not?
You wrote a play with your feet.
You force us to take
drastic measures.
Monsieur, you signed
a contract and have received...
And spent.
...a generous advance.
Are you prepared to honor
your obligations?
Are you prepared
to perform our play?
Why, certainly, gentlemen.
Provided it plays along
with me.