It's sold out, I tell you.
- And tomorrow?
- Not a seat left.
Unheard of!
A ticket seller without tickets!
Oh, Mr Frederick.
You're hurt?
From a pigeon shoot.
A peck in the arm.
I bet the pigeon's worse off.
Is that why you're closed?
I heard your play
was a hit last night.
The talk of the Boulevard.
It's like with Baptiste.
Things were slow,
and then all of a sudden...
It's incredible!
The whole town's
fighting for seats!
But you'll find me one.
That won't be easy!
I've got an idea. Come on.
A young society woman
comes every night,
all alone, incognito,
to see Baptiste.
- Lucky Baptiste. Is she pretty?
- I don't know.
She wears a veil
and leaves without saying a word.
Excuse me, Madame,
just this one time.
A seat for an injured gentlemen.
It's all right.