I can't stand his repulsive looks
and distasteful voice.
Here you are, bandit,
body snatcher!
Don't start!
Shame on you!
You stole my looks, my identity!
You're not the only ragman
in Paris.
you supplied the costume.
I didn't realize
what it was for.
Every night, Baptiste kills
a poor old man like me...
as entertainment!
- What an example!
- Enough, friend.
You're drunk and babbling.
You should be in bed.
I may be drunk,
but I've still got principles.
Why don't you ever say hello
to OI' Papa Joshua?
You're just like your father!
You despise and shun me.
What's Baptiste got against me?
Only that you don't mind
your own business.
Is it his business
what is or isn't mine?
I've always lived all alone.
So I take an interest in others.
Always alone.
That's not living.
No one to love me.
Nothing, zero, naught.
If I were a widower,
at least I'd have memories.
But no woman would have me.
They preferred
petty fly-by-nights and libertines.
Listen, Nathalie.
Let me tell you something.
Sure, it's none of my business,
but it's for your own good.
Spare me your gossip.
Just listen.
This won't take long.
Garance is back.
She's here, in Box 7,
and she's waiting for Baptiste.
Like the flower.