Mildred. What are you doing
around this pigeon perch? Slumming?
-You sick or something?
No. l don't think so.
lf you're feeling weak, why not come
have a drink on the house? For free.
Come on.
Buying this joint was
the smartest move l ever made.
-Give us a couple drinks, will you, Tony?
-Yes, sir.
l hope you're not sore at me about
this afternoon. Strictly business, see?
lt might just as well have been you
selling me out. You can't expect--
What are you looking
at me like that for?
You can talk your way out of anything.
You're good at that.
ln my business you have to be.
Only now, l'd rather talk myself into
something. Do you know what l mean?
-Still trying?
-lt's a habit.
-l've tried once a week since we were kids.
-Twice a week.
Anyhow, l'm still drawing blanks.
You never used to drink it
straight like that.
l've learned how these last few months.
l've learned a lot of things.
-Like, for instance?
-Like, for instance, that's rotten liquor.
There's better stuff to drink
at the beach house, Wally.
-ls that a dare?
-Could be.
All right. l'll take it.
You know l like good stuff.
-Maybe this is my lucky day.
-Come in.
-How about your husband?
ls he getting broad-minded
all of a sudden?