Monte isn't here. Besides, you can talk
your way out of anything, can't you?
l get by all right.
-You keep saying that.
-Do l?
-Nervous, Wally?
-No, l'm cold. Temporarily.
-lsn't this more comfortable?
-Yeah, l guess so, but....
-What's the matter?
-You don't seem very happy here.
-l'm happy. Believe me.
lnside, my heart is singing.
-That's pretty corny, Wally.
-Well, l'm a corny guy, but smart too.
-l wonder about things.
-What things?
For instance, l wonder why
you brought me here tonight.
All of a sudden, husband gone,
soft lights, quiet room, opportunity.
-Maybe l find you irresistible, Wally.
You make me shiver, Mildred.
You always have.
You make love so nicely.
You always have.
All my life when l've wanted something,
l've gone after it. l get it too.
lt may take me a little time,
but l get what l want.
-Do you? lt must be nice.
-Yeah. lt is.
-l'm sorry.
-Hey, what's the score?
l feel sticky.
l think l'd better change my dress.
Yeah, sure, Mildred.
lt's a good idea.
l'll only be a minute.
-Leave the door open so we can talk.
-l like to hear you talk.
So do l. Something about the sound
of my own voice fascinates me.
l'm glad you're not sore about me
taking you over the hurdles.
l didn't mean to cut up your business.
l just got started and couldn't stop.
l see an angle, l start cutting myself
a piece of throat. lt's an instinct.
With me, being smart's a disease.
Know what l mean?