Mildred Pierce

You know that guy?
Yes. We were married once.
Paper, lady?
No, thank you.
He wants you now.
Now you can talk.

lnspector Peterson, Mrs. Beragon.
-How do you do?
-How do you do?

Won't you sit down?
Sorry about your husband.
lt must be a shock to you.

Well, l....
l'm afraid l don't quite know
how to begin.

You see, the fact of the matter is,
Mrs. Beragon, we don't need you.

You don't need me?
l don't know how to apologize for
bringing you down here for nothing.

But, you understand, we had to be sure.
Well, now we are sure.

Aren't you going to ask me questions?
l thought you would.

l know. Everybody thinks detectives
do nothing but ask questions...

...but detectives have souls,
the same as anyone else.

-No, thank you.

Go ahead. lt's all right.
Mrs. Beragon, being a detective is like,
well, like making an automobile.

You take all the pieces
and put them together one by one.

First thing you know, you got
an automobile. Or a murderer.
