Mildred Pierce

-Happy dreams, sweetie.
-Thank you.

-l love you, Veda.
-l love you, Mother. Really, l do.

But let's not be sticky about it.
Good night.
I had to get a job, any kind.
I had no experience in the business world,
but I had to get a job.

I walked my legs off. Getting a job
wasn't as easy as I thought.

Days seemed like weeks, and everywhere
I went I heard the same thing:

Sorry, we need people with experience.
I was sick at heart
when I saw the restaurant.

I decided to go in for a cup of tea.
Good afternoon.
Sit here?
Clear the dirty dishes
off number three. Pick up your feet!

-Roast chicken is nice.
-No, thank you. l'll....

l caught you red-handed.
l didn't take your rotten tip.
-What's the trouble?
-She's lifting tips. l've seen her.

Go into the kitchen.
You keep out of it.

-How about some service?
-Someone will take care of you right away.

-l hope so. l have--
-You mind your own business.

Sorry to leave you like that,
but we're so short-handed.

-You wanted tea?
-No, l want a job.

-Well, you seem to need help....

l want a job.
-You ever work in a restaurant before?

Follow me.
-You're a nervous gal, aren't you?
-l'm just a little anxious.

You want to watch that.
lt's tough on dishes.

l don't think you're the type for
the work, but l'll give you a trial.
