Mildred Pierce

-Are you hoarding bathing suits?
-They belong to my sisters.

There's nothing like having
a large family.

-Yell if you need help with the zipper.
-Thank you, but l won't need any help.

-How do you like your drink?

-l like your ocean.
-l borrowed it from the Navy just for you.

-You have a wonderful view.
-l wouldn't say that.

l hope the suit fits better
than the robe.

lt does.
-Do you live here year round?
-The family mansion is in Pasadena.

Complete with iron deer, a ghost
and a greenhouse. l come here in the spring.

-lt must be lovely.
-Yes, but lonely.

ln the spring, a man's fancy turns to
what he's thought about all winter.

lt's a good thing California winters
are so short.

-No whistle?
-l'd need a police siren.

-Well, here we go.
-Go? Go where?

-Swimming. lsn't that why we're here?
-l suppose it is. Wait a minute.

-Come on.
-Hold it.

-No, thank you.

-You drink too much.
-l do too much of everything. l'm spoiled.

Too many sisters.
They all seem to be my size too.

Yes. l like them your size.
-To brotherly love!
-Thank you, Mr. Beragon.

Monte Beragon.
That's a very unusual name. Spanish?

Mostly. Maybe a little
ltalian thrown in.

But my mother is
a real dyed-in-the-wool Yankee.

That's why l'm such a self-controlled
and dignified young fellow.

And just what do you do?
l loaf in a decorative
and highly charming manner.

-ls that all?
-With me, loafing is a science.
