Mildred Pierce

-You're very beautiful like that.
-l bet you say that to all your sisters.

-Shall l tell your fortune?
-Can you?

We Beragons come from
a long line of teacup readers.

l'm not very impressionable. l lost
my awe of women at an early age.

But ever since you came here, l thought
of what l'd say when we met again.

Now l can't say anything.
-You take my breath away.
-Do l?

l like you, Monte. You make me feel--
-l don't know, warm.
-And wanted? Beautiful?

When l'm close to you, there's a sound
in the air like the beating of wings.

-You know what it is?
-No. What?

My heart. Beating like a schoolboy's.
ls it? l thought it was mine.
The record.
Monte, the record.
ls he there yet? That's good.
l think l have everything we need.
Yeah, l called everywhere.
l'll wait another five minutes.

Wait. l think she's coming now.
-l don't know.

-Thursday? Friday?
-Make it Wednesday.

-Good. Goodbye.

-Where have you been?
-What are you doing here?

l've been looking all over for you.
l've been nearly nuts.

-What is it?
-lt's Kay. She's sick.

We came down from Arrowhead
80 miles an hour, but--

-Well, it's pneumonia.
