Mildred Pierce

-Well, if it isn't Gypsy Beragon.
-The very same.

-lt looks like a good investment, huh?
-Anything would be an improvement.

Smile when you say that,
a third of this joint belongs to me.

-l've got another proposition.

-That orange grove you got--
-Save it.

-Well, here's to success.

Thank you.
-Two special. One Grade A. One black.

Hot stuff coming through.
That's a wonderful piece.
-All you need is a pair of bobby socks.
-Maybe Veda will lend me a pair.

Well, the last customer
just folded his tent.

-Good. We've only got one chicken left.
-Put my initials on that.

l don't know whether
l'm on my feet or my ankles.

-You must be dead.
-Well, if l am, just bury me with this.

l wish l felt the way they do.
-You've got a nice voice. Did you know that?
-Thank you.

Hi. Congratulations. You're a success.
-We've been getting acquainted.
-He's promised to take me the races.

-lf your mother comes too.
-l'd love to.

-Wally, do me a favor.

-Take Veda home.

-Anyone would think l was a child.
-lt's past your bedtime.

lt's not past my bedtime.
Besides, l want to take you home.

l've got to close up.
l'll go home with lda.

Sure is a big night for me.
l came out for an evening of fun.

What do l get? Dishpan hands
and a date with a Girl Scout.

-Good night.
-Good night.

Good night, Mr. Beragon.
Thank you.

-l trust that we may meet again very soon.
-l hope so.

Thank you, Mrs. Pierce. l trust that l might
see you in the not-too-distant future.

-Come on.
-l'm coming.

Come on. Never mind. Hurry up.
For heaven's sake.
