It's a big job.
And I know you'll do it right.
Good luck to you.
And good hunting.
Capt. Nelson.
Let's get started.
You can smoke if you want to...
and speak up if you can't hear me
in the back.
Our mission is to demolish
a Jap radar station...
and communications center
somewhere near point W...
on operations map B.
All we have to do is to go in,
find the radar station, blow it to pieces.
Then get out of there
before the Japs know we're in.
I guess you're wondering why
the Air Force doesn't go and bomb it.
We know approximately
where the radar station is.
Approximately isn't good enough.
The Air Force needs to know exactly
where it is. They don't.
The target's got to be destroyed.
Someone's got to do it.
We're elected.
All right. We're going in.
All right. Gather around the sand table
and I'll show you where you're going.
Don't shove, Hogan. Take it easy.
Guy must think it's a free lunch counter.
All right. We come in due east.
As soon as we reach the junction
of these two rivers...
we cross this small range of hills here.
The other side of that is the jump field.
We'll jump just as soon as we reach
the edge of the field. Is that understood?
And, Miggleori, if we happen to run
across any Burmese dancing girls...
we can't stop and talk to them.
At last reports,
the jump field was undefended.
Jap patrols are from 30 to 60 men
that have been spotted at various...
places this past month,
usually in this area here.
Now, somewhere in this area
is the radar station we're after.
It's not going to be a cinch finding it.
There's a supply depot located at point X.
And it's garrisoned by about 2,000 men.
Now, are there any questions so far?
- Nebraska.
- There aren't any names on the table.
Where is this place?
For security reasons, we won't know
until we board the planes.
Then you'll be given maps with names,
places, locations. Any other questions?
If you don't mind, sir,
how do we get back?
We'll fly back. Two transports are going
to pick us up at an abandoned airstrip...