Objective, Burma!

Ten minutes!
Ten minutes more, sir.
Stand up.
Hook up.
- Williams.
- Yeah? Excuse me, please.

I know you're an old hand at this...
but just to refresh your memory
here's what you do.

You hook this on up here, like that.
- You hang on to it till you leave the plane.
- Yeah.

When I say, "Stand in the door,"
you get in line behind me.

- When I go, you go. You got it?
- Yeah, I got it.

That's about all there is to it.
Step out with your right foot first...

like you're reaching for a bar rail.
Your static line will do the rest.

It'll open your chute for you.
When you get near the ground,
keep your knees and feet close together.

- When you hit the dirt, relax. Okay?
- Okay. Wait a minute!

- What happens if my chute doesn't open?
- You'll be the first one on the ground.

Check equipment.
- Come on. Snap out of it, Mig.
- Yeah.

If anything goes wrong, give this a yank.
It's your emergency chute.

Good luck. Keep your chin up
and your strap down.

Sound off for equipment check.
- Eighteen okay!
- Seventeen okay.

- Sixteen okay.
- Fifteen okay.

- Fourteen okay.
- Thirteen okay.

- Twelve okay!
- Eleven okay.

- Ten okay.
- Nine okay.

- Eight okay.
- Seven okay.

- Six okay.
- Five okay.

- Four okay.
- Three okay.

Two okay, I hope.
