I'd like to be up to my neck
in ocean about now.
Me, too.
What's the matter?
I was thinking of the time the Japs
caught us swimming in New Guinea.
You were laughing like an idiot and
all the time I was looking for my pants.
You were yelling,
"Take cover! Take cover!"
- You could have used a little yourself.
- I never did find those pants.
We've had a few laughs.
It would be swell if we could
take our next leave together.
Yeah. How about Frisco?
Shrimp, clam, lobster.
Yeah, and a steak smothered in chops.
Oh, boy.
It's the old strip all right.
Habeda, scout.
- Hicks, you and Smithy look up that way.
- Yes, sir.
All right, dish out the Atabrine tablets.
Everybody okay?
Okay? Easiest war I ever been in.
What is it today, Hogan?
Chicken dinner with dumplings.
These are the dumplings.
What time are those planes
due to pick us up?
Ten minutes.
- Get a story, Mr. Williams?
- I got more than that.
I don't mind telling you gentlemen,
there were some moments there...
when I wished I was somewhere else.
Almost anywhere else would have done.
If you could be someplace else right now,
Charlie, where would it be?
I don't know. A football game.
How about you?
If I had my choice
I'd be sitting on a nice, soft stool...
in the National Press Club
in Washington, D. C...