Oh, Simson, thank you
for keeping open so late
to take care of us.
Oh, that's quite
all right, sir.
This gun is an excellent
selection, Mr. Holmes.
You ought to get
plenty of grouse.
Grouse are little birds,
not worth the trouble
of eating after
you shoot them.
You wait till you
hook into your first
salmon, old boy.
Well, mind you have
everything at Baker Street
first thing in the
morning, Simson,
because if we're
not in Scotland
by the time the
salmon stop running,
the fish will hold
Dr. Watson personally
I'll have everything
at your rooms first
thing in the morning.
Thank you.
Good night, sir.
Good night.
Aw, Scotland.
I shall be glad to get
away from this place.
The smell of heaven
after the rain,
the crisp night air
with the stars
shining clear in the sky.
A day in the bush
with stars to see,
were I dip in the river.
There's the life
of a man like me,
there's the life forever.
Robert Louis Stevenson.
You heard that
rhyme before?
Yes, and many other
lovely irons, too, Watson.
Oh, so the old girl has
lost her emeralds, eh?
Now, Holmes,
you promised,
no more cases till
our holiday's over.
Don't worry, old fellow,
I was just thinking
she was well rid
of her emeralds.
Green was never a becoming
color to the old trout.
I say, you've dropped
your paper, sir.
I'm afraid
you're mistaken.
No mistake,
I saw you drop it.
You've just
been told, sir,
that you made a mistake.
But it is the
gentleman's paper, sir.
Be off with you,
my good man.
Mr. Holmes told you that
he didn't have a paper.
Yes, but I was quite
wrong, I'm so sorry,
that is my paper.
There are times, Holmes,
when your behavior
is utterly inexplicable.
I'm sorry sir.
May I recommend a
visit, gentlemen?
A visit where, sir?
The best fish and
chips in London.
Fish and chips?
I never eat
fish and chips.
My friend doesn't
eat fish and chips.
We loathe fish and chips.