Pursuit to Algiers

Brunette, young,

As a matter of
fact you're right,

but how did you know?
And I pay sufficient
credit to your good taste,

to take the
beautiful for granted.

Now, if a girl
and boy should meet,

would you
think it indiscrete

if they had
a friendly chat.

I'm sure you'd find
there isn't any
harm in that.

If they met
again at 4:00,

had a cup of tea or more,
then he said he
liked your hat,

I'm sure you'd find
there isn't any
harm in that.

He holds your hand,
he thinks you're grand,
love takes command.
Before he's through,
it's I love you.
Now, if the girl
should lose her head

and the boy and
girl should wed,

and they take
a furnished flat,

so what?
That's great,
there isn't
any harm in that.

Ha, ha, ha, delightful,
very delightful.

Now, how about
that surprise

you said you had for me?
Oh, you'll see in time.
But first of all you
must keep your promise.

You said you'd
sing, "Flow Gently
Sweet Afton" for me.

Oh, all right, if you
really want me too.

Oh, of course I do.
I wonder if you'd hand
me my music case, please?

Oh, here it is.
So sorry.
That's all right.
Hope I didn't hurt you.
No, no.
Ah, here is my surprise.
May I introduce
my nephew,

Mr. Nikolas Watson?
How do you do?
How do you do?
And my friend,
Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
