You promised to sing
it for me, you know.
Oh, I'm sorry,
I'm afraid I don't
know it from memory.
No, no, no, I won't
take no for an answer.
You put the music for
it here in your case.
I'm afraid I don't
feel like singing.
I beg your pardon?
What did I tell you.
Interesting, isn't it?
By Jove he's right.
Don't come any nearer.
If you do, I'll...
I won't come any
nearer, I promise.
But may I talk to you?
My dear Sheila.
I don't know yet
just what you're in
such mortal terror of,
but I'm sure that
whatever it is,
you are an
innocent victim.
I don't know what
you're talking.
Well, to begin with,
the way you acted the
first time you saw me
was a bit of a blow
to my vanity, you know.
Men are such vain
creatures, aren't they?
So I prefer to
think that it was
something unexpected
that you found
in your music case
that caused you to
react in such fashion.
I saw nothing.
Oh, come now,
you must have.
And so since the quickest
way to relieve fear
is to share the cause of
it with someone else,
please forgive me if
I attempt to find out
just what it is that your
music case contains.
But I told you...
Wait a minute.
Come along, won't you.
Won't you sit
down, please?
Now, it's unlikely to
be important documents,
since to know their
you'd do need a
time to examine them.
But there is one thing
which is small enough
to be easily concealed
and which is
highly valuable,
a jewel or jewels.
then there's this
fellow Hassan
in whose café you've been
engaged as an entertainer.