No grouse?
Cheer up Watson.
You'll find some other
query to occupy our time.
This way gentlemen.
Take the gun will you?
Take the big bag.
So you're back
earlier than usual
Doctor Merrivale.
I've just made a rather
intriguing discovery.
The village of Inverness
has a
distinguished visitor.
Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
I didn't quite
catch the name.
Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes,
the famous detective.
One wonders what he could
be doing in Inverness.
Have you forgotten
that two of our members
have already met
with violent deaths?
Yes, yes, yes
of course yes.
Cosgrave, must you
pace up and down
like a monkey in
a ruddy cage?
I fail to see how what
I do can concern you.
Simpson, Cosgrave,
cannot we behave
like Good Comrades.
Doesn't anything ever get
on your nerves Alastair?
Oh dear me, no.
I have no nerves.
Now tell me MacGregor,
the present head
of the house
is Mr. Bruce
Alastair is it not?
Grandson of
Donald Alastair.
He was the lullish one.
Gunned Driercliff House
in a smugglers day.
Got himself blown
to bits by a gun.
Gracious me.
And Angus Alastair
was his son.