They're so noisy.
I can make the call
from the village sir.
All right.
It's not often we
have the opportunity
at meeting such
charming people.
You go ahead
I'll follow you.
I'm afraid, Mr. Holmes,
if you don't go
with the sergeant
there's no way
to get back
to the village tonight.
Oh but Mr. Holmes,
there's no need for you
to stay at the inn.
It's such a dreary place.
We've plenty
of room here
and it's much
more cheerful.
I thought we came
here for privacy.
We wouldn't dream
of putting you out.
Oh but I thought
it would be
so nice to have such,
such exciting people
as our guests.
Yes your right.
I'm sure Mr. Holmes'
business in the village
is much more
important, Alastair.
Please Mr.
Holmes we insist.
I think Alastair's idea
is an excellent one,
don't you gentlemen?
You speak for
yourself, Cosgrave.
Come, come, come,
We are all friends.
Aren't we,
or are we?
Guy Davis was
a friend too.
So were King and Raeburn.
You've got to
stay Mr. Holmes.
You and Doctor Watson,
we can put you up.
Any objections
Doctor Merrivale?
This is a tempest
in a teapot Mr. Holmes
but you're
welcome of course.
Now if you'll all excuse
me I'm rather tired.
Good night.
What do you say Simpson?
Glad to have you
gentlemen of course.
Then you will
stay both of you?
Thank you Mr. Alastair
we should be very glad to.
Sergeant will you
have our things
sent up from the inn?
Right away sir.
This is excellent.
I'll tell Mrs. Monteith
to get your rooms ready.
Mr. Holmes,
I must say I
feel a lot safer
now that you
and Doctor Watson
are in the house.
Oh a delight to be of
any use, Mr. Cosgrave.
And well if you would
care to keep me informed
if you should
discover anything
I would be only too
glad to help you.
I'd do anything
to get to the bottom
of this awful mystery.
I'll bear that in
mind Mr. Cosgrave.
Thank you.
Good night.
Good night.
Good night.
Well what do you
make of it Watson?