Yes you did didn't you?
How about a pint
before we go to sleep?
I won't be able
to close my eyes
in this sinister house.
Your rooms are
ready gentlemen.
Where's our good
friend Doctor Watson?
Oh he was rather
tired last night,
he's still sleeping.
Yes, our beds are
very comfortable here.
Why don't you stop
that ruddy pacing?
Your bodyguard's here now.
Simpson, you mustn't
tease Cosgrave.
Remember how
sensitive he is.
You should
ignore things,
like Alastair.
Thank you.
Oh, Singapore?
Oh the Cobra.
you'll never
know that one
but this one.
Oh yes, yes very good
and definitely Singapore.
Right you are Mr. Holmes.
You know you're
tattoos all right.
I'm interested
in many things.
Good morning gentlemen.
I'm sorry I'm late
I didn't sleep very well.
You didn't
sleep very well?
You snored like a pig.
Got a match Doctor Watson?
It's a very good idea.
I think I'll join you.
Nothing like the first
pipe of the morning.
Can, can I try
of some of yours?
Sorry about that,
I think I'll stay clear.
What is that seaweed?
Havana isn't it?
Flavored with Jamaica Rum.
I don't imagine your
very much troubled
with tobacco borrowers
hey Simpson?
Nobody else in the place
touches the filthy stuff.
I don't blame them.
Good heavens!
One moment please.
What is it?
Just a needle.