Alex MacGregor.
MacGregor, the
Where is his shop?
Next to the inn.
Well I better be off.
Mind if I come
along with you?
All right Mr. Holmes,
if you think you
can be any help.
I think I'll come
along too Holmes.
No Watson you stay here.
These are the
last two members
of the Good Comrades,
their safety
depends on you.
You can rely on me Holmes.
Pass the wine
along would you.
Excuse me please.
Excuse me.
I was afraid of this.
Were too late.
Aye sir.
Shot through the temple.
How did you know we'd
be too late Mr. Holmes?
Because we were
not the first
to read MacGregor's
Look here Lestrade.
This envelope has been
steamed open and resealed.
Blimey so it is.
Poor chap, he must
have known too much.
Has the coroner
been here Sergeant?
He's on his way sir.
All right.
You won't find them.
What do you mean?
Orange pips.
Why not?
Ain't this the work of
the Driercliff murderer?
Obviously but this isn't
part of the same pattern
as the others.
They followed a
preordained plan,
where as this murder
was actuated by
some necessity
and could not have
been anticipated.
Come again Mr.
Holmes in English.
I mean that I'm beginning
to see daylight.
Well frankly I ain't.
I like good, solid clues
and people I can question.
Did anybody hear
the shot Sergeant?
I did.
Do you know anything
about the note
your father sent
to Inspector Lestrade?
Why no sir.
Did he leave the
house at all tonight?
Aye sir.
He went to change
his lobster ports
down in the caldron
at Driercliff.
He didn't return
until after dark.
Here let me question her.
Did anyone call on your
father this evening
after he got home?
No one that I saw sir.