Sherlock Holmes and the House of Fear

Got it Holmes.
Help me now.
I don't like this Holmes.
Amazing Holmes.
As I thought, empty.
Some body snatchers
got here a head of us.

MacGregor's corpse
has been removed.

Hurry Watson.
Come along fellow,
we haven't a
moment to lose.

What's up Holmes?
Unless I'm
greatly mistaken

there's about to
be another murder.

You, you wall-eyed idiot
if you don't shut up.
Who, Who
You know what to do?
Yes sir.
Get going and hurry.
I'm afraid were
too late Watson.

Where's the body Lestrade?
Which one is it?
Doctor Merrivale.
I found him at the
bottom of the cliff.

Crushed to a jelly
by a huge rock.

Good heavens.
I identified by the suit
of clothes he was wearing

and his watch.
So Alastair must
be the murderer?

You're right to the
stop of the class,

Doctor Watson.
He killed them all
one after another

for the insurance money.
I thought so.
Obvious from the start.
What have you done with
your prisoner Inspector?

Oh he's safe enough.
Safe enough?
Yes he's in the library.
Perhaps I better go
and keep an eye on him.

Oh you'll be all
right Doctor.

He's handcuffed.
All pacing up and down.
Just doing a bit of
measuring Lestrade.

Why don't upset
yourself Mr. Holmes,

you can't expect to
solve every case.

Awe, there you are.
I suspected you
from the start.

Said to Holmes
that old front is
too good to be true.

But I didn't kill anybody.
Really I didn't.
It's quite natural for
you to deny your guilt.

Criminal instinct.
Got any tobacco on you?
