The initials J.B., see them?
When I saw them in the hotel room...
they made my head ache.
They're probably your initials.
J.B. J.B.
You must sleep, when you wake up
you'll be able to tell me more.
-lf you trust me.
-I trust you.
It's late, you better get some sleep.
I'll be all right.
I'm sure there will be no police
enquiry for a few days...
We'll talk and straighten
things up before anything happens.
I'll come in the morning and
report you too ill for service.
I have been in Dr. Edwardes
office for 5 years...
and the man who spoke to me
is not Dr. Edwardes.
He let me have my vacation
when he left on his...
I was very worried when I didn't
hear from him last week.