He told a friend he was coming here,
but under a different name...
so I couldn't find him.
But I must find him and apologise.
When did he arrive here?
-Yesterday morning.
-Give me a description of him.
He's very tall and attractive...
dark hair, rather rugged face...
-brown eyes, and one suitcase.
-I'll go check on him.
-Did you find him?
-I think we got a line.
About 25 guys answering your
description came yesterday...
These are their registration cards.
You might recognise the handwriting.
That's very clever of you.
-This is his handwriting.
-John Brown?
Not much imagination
for an alias. Room 3033.
Thank you, I was going to stay
all day watching for him.
I knew you would, glad to be
of service. I'm married too...
and I know how it feels to have
a wife chase after you to apologise.