The Lost Weekend

What are you doing, Wick?
- Nothing.
- Where did that bottle come from?

- It just rolled out.
- From under the couch.

Yes, Helen.
- You I guess that Don caught an early train and...
- Is that Don's bottle?

- What makes you think that?
- There was a bottle the first time we met.

- There was?
- Fell out of Don's pocket.

That was for me, Helen. This one's mine too.
You might as well hear the family scandal. I drink.
Don thinks I drink too much. I had to promise to go on the wagon.
That's why I hid the bottle so he wouldn't see it.

Oh. I'm so sorry, Wick.
I shouldn't have started asking questions.
It's really none of my business.
Forget it, Helen.
I better be getting back to the hotel.
Don's probably there already. And don't worry,
Wick, I won'T mention a word of it to him.

- Thank you, Helen.
- Bye.

Helen. I'm sorry, Helen. I can't let you go. Not like this.
Shut your mouth, Don. I'll take you downstairs.
Thanks very much for your Philadelphia Story, Wick. Nice try.
That looks so silly on you.
- Don't listen to him.
- You don't even have to. Just look at the two of us.

Yes. What is all this covering up?
All that happened is that Don was nervous at the idea
of meeting your parents and so he took a couple of drinks.

Come on, Wick, she'd have found out sooner or later.
Stop it, both of you.
Don's a little tight.
Most people drink a little.
A lot of them get tight once in a while.

Sure. The lucky ones who can take it or leave it.
But then there are the ones who can't take it
and leave it either.

What I'm trying to say is I'm not a drinker.
I'm a drunk.
They had to put me away once.
- He went to a cure.
- Which didn't take.

You see, that first time we met,
I should have had the decency to get drunk...

just for your sake.
For my sake? We're talking about you.
Is it really that bad, Wick?
Yes, it is.
Can't we go over this tomorrow, Don,
when you're feeling more like yourself?

Helen's heard the facts. That's all there is to it.
Yes, I've heard them and they're not very pleasant.
