José Fernandez Maria!
Get going there.
l'll whop you with a neck yoke.
Got a bent strut and shaft
on the port side.
-You check your planking?
-Planking's okay.
How long you figure
it will take, Dad?
Can't tell yet.
l won't knock off till l'm done.
How am l going to pay you?
You'll fight them and l'll fix them.
That's pay enough.
Only hope we get them out of here
before the Japs move in.
How far away you figure they are?
Half the nearby islands.
Cruisers and destroyers
have been nosing around for days.
What are you going to do
if they make a landing?
They'll have to fight to get me.
You, Ascevedo Perreira!
Get away from that water bucket.
Drink on your own time.
That reminds me.
How about a little snort?
S-29 coming up the channel, sir.
And chow is ready.
l have orders to load
food and quinine...
...and try to run it to Corregidor.
They also want the interisland
steamers to try the blockade.
We've got seven small steamers here.
We might rig up a side-wheeler or two.
And some motored sailors.
l'll arrange for supplies at once.
Let's give her a whirl.
l've got work to do.
See you later.
Oh, Snuffy.