Black Angel

And you didn't
go in?

Not a chance.
I was given the brush-off
by a very large doorman.

So, I found a saloon,
and then another,
and I kept on
finding them.

Please. You've got
to tell me more...
who her friends were...

who might have been
in her apartment.

Why don't you ask the police
or your husband?

He seemed to know
the password.

Please, no one else
can help me.

You're the only one.
I don't know anything
about anything.

I suppose you don't even know
why she was playing your song.

I don't know any...
My song?
That night.

She was playing it.
No, she wouldn't.

Not "Heartbreak."
You're crazy.

Maybe someone else
was playing it for her.
Maybe you!

Don't give me that!
I didn't see her.
It was your song.

You were playing it
just before you...
You've got it all figured out.

You were in her apartment.
Admit it. You strangled her.

What's going on in here?

She's Bennett's wife.
We were talking,
but we've finished.

No, we haven't.
Forget it.

I won't.
Not until l...
Now take it easy.

Marty was right here
in this room when his wife
was killed.

I'm the one told him about it.
I'd heard it on the 2:00 news.
Two o'clock.

He had plenty of time to get
back here. She was killed
between midnight and 12:30.

Come here.
See that bolt? It was locked
when you came in, wasn't it?

Yes, but what's that
got to do with...

I always lock it
when he's on a real tear.

He was on one that night,
and I locked him in... a good
two hours before the murder.

He's in the clear, Mrs. Bennett.
Ask the police. They'll tell you.

The police?
They were here?

Sure. They're not
stupid, you know.
