Duel in the Sun

Deep among the lonely
sun-baked hills of Texas...

the great and weather-beaten
stone still stands.

The Comanches called it
Squaw's Head Rock.

Time cannot change
its impassive face...

nor dim the legend
of the wild young lovers...

who found heaven and hell
in the shadows of the rock.

For when the sun is low...
and the cold wind blows
across the desert...

there are those
of lndian blood...

who still speak
of Pearl Chavez...

the half-breed girl
from down along the border...

and of the laughing outlaw...
with whom she here kept
a final rendezvous...

never to be seen again.
And this is
what the legend says--

A flower known nowhere else...
grows from out
of the desperate crags...

where Pearl vanished...
Pearl, who was herself
a wild flower...

sprung from the hard clay,
quick to blossom...

and early to die.
