Duel in the Sun

That's how l found out.
l guess l had
a few drinks too many.

That's all right.
A fella's got to sow
some wild oats sometime.

What's the money for?
l hope someday l'll be like you.
The only thing
l don't like about you...

is the miserable way
you play poker.

Trying to fill inside straights
is a sucker's game.

Go on, boy. Go on. Run along.
What a boy.
How'd they come
to name you Pearl?

l don't know, sir.
Couldn't have had
much eye for color, could they?

They might better have called
you Pocahontas or Minnehaha.

Ain't that right?
l guess so.
All right, Minne, on your way.
Good night, sir.
Minne...ha ha.
Ha ha.
Hello, Pearl. What's the matter?
Are you unhappy?
Don't you like Spanish Bit?

lf everybody was like you.
lf everybody was like me,
the world would be...

a terribly frustrated
sort of place.

What do you mean?
Nothing for you to worry
your pretty little head about.

l want to learn.
Will you learn me?

Your ma says you're a lawyer.
l want to be a lady
and know everything, like her.

l wonder if learning
ever made mother any happier.

-l wish l could do that.

Make rings like that.
Can l try? Let me try.

No, Pearl. Now whoa.
Ladies aren't supposed to smoke.
Now you won't want
to learn me things, will you?

You don't like me
no more, do you?
