Thanks for knocking.
l didn't used to think...
there was much to all those
fancy manners of yours...
but l guess l was wrong.
Jesse, l...
Forgive me for intruding, Pearl.
You, too, Lewt.
Good-bye, Pearl.
Wait a minute, please!
l didn't mean to--
lt's all right.
l understand perfectly.
No, you don't.
-Where are you going?
-l'm going to Austin.
You gonna be gone long?
Quite long, l'm afraid.
lt isn't because of...
No. Bless your heart.
l'm leaving by request--
the Senator's request.
You...love me?
l thought of what you'd be like
when you grew up a little.
l didn't know.
Why didn't you tell me?
l didn't think it would
be fair to tell you.
l was a fool.
l came to your room
to say good-bye...
to tell you that someday
l'd be back for you...
that l'd think about you
and that l'd write...
l'll write to you.
You will?
lf you need me, l'll come back,
Senator or no Senator.
And you'll forget about...
about tonight, won't you?