Yes, a little relaxation
is mighty pleasant...
after a man's been chasing Satan
all the way from here to Austin.
Yes, sirree, bob.
You've been to Austin?
Did you hear anything of Jesse?
l heard plenty.
Enough to warm the cockles
of your gentle heart.
You know what they're saying?
He'll be governor
of the whole dern state...
before he's ready
to meet his maker.
l knew it.
Do you think it's true?
Judging from the fancy office
he's got already, it's true.
Has a rolltop desk
and a gold spittoon...
you couldn't miss
if you aimed from here.
l hope he isn't
working too hard.
l shouldn't fret
too much about that...
not while old man
Langford's daughter...
is as sweet and pretty...
as the sunrise on the mesa,
l wouldn't.
Yes. He wrote me about her.
He says she's a lovely girl.
lf wedlock's his aim...
he couldn't shoot
at a neater target.
What are you looking
so sad about, Pearl?
This is a party. Come on.
Let's show these cowpokes
a thing or two about dancing.
Girl, where's that medal
l gave you?
She loaned it to me.
l'm trying to get...
one just like it
made for myself.
Good. Good!
Won't they be surprised
when they hear about us?
When they hear what about us?
That we're bespoken, of course.
Oh, that.
But that's what you said.
You said we'd tell them tonight.
Just as everything
is going good...
you got to go
and start all that again.
Either you tell people
we're bespoken, or l will.
l want to tell you
you don't fool me none no more.
Will you stop
poking up and vexing me?
l don't know how a man
stands it, the way you go on.
You think you don't
have to marry me.
Maybe you don't.
And you don't have to go on...
lying to me no more neither.
l made up my mind.
You made up your mind
about what?
Just like l said...
if you won't marry me,
l'll get out.
l'll go away as fast as l can.
You can go and keep
going for all l care.
Go find yourself
somebody else to pester.
But don't you care?
No woman can tie
onto me like that...
least of all a bobtail
little half-breed like you.
All righty.
Thanks for letting me know...