Duel in the Sun

how you think about me.
El Paso and Amarillo
ain't no different...

than Sodom and Gomorra...
on a smaller scale,
of course, but--

What in Beezelbub's name
do you call that?

l wasn't having a very good time
at the party neither.

l was just kind of tired.
Who are you?

l'm the new
straw boss around here.

Name's Pierce.
Sam to my friends.

Mind if l sit down?
lf you want.
Must be plenty tiring
on a person, all that dancing.

-Don't you dance?
-No, ma'am.

Somehow, l never got
the chance to learn.

You ought to. lt's fun.
Lots of folks seem to think so.
How would you like
to learn tonight?

What? Do you mean
you'd teach me?

l ain't so good at them
fancy dances myself...

but we could learn
together, if you want.

-l'd be right honored.
-Then come on.

Come on!
The next dance
will be ladies choice.

The ladies choose the gents.
Gents line up
over on this side...

ladies over yonder.
Now, ladies,
this is your big chance.

And don't be afraid to go after
the true love of your choice.

l'd rather play me some poker.
Females shouldn't be
allowed no choice.

lt ain't decent.
l'll bet you six bits
that fat one grabs me.

You leave Jake alone.
You had him all evening.

Of all the nerve!
When l stomp my heels
three times...

run for the gent of your choice.
Ready? One, two...scat!
