Duel in the Sun

How could a big galoot--
Don't say that.
You don't know about me.

lf you did, you wouldn't ask.
You mean about Lewt?
So you know about
me and Lewt, too?

Yeah, l guess
ain't nobody don't know.

l've knocked around plenty--
-l'm trash, l tell you.
-Don't go telling me that.

l'd kill the first man
who said anything like that.

But l don't love you.
Don't that matter?

You've only known me
a little while.

l know l'm not something
girls dream about...

like the McCanleses.
-l'm not rich like them either.
-lt ain't that.

But l'd love you,
and l'd take care of you.

l got a little money saved.
Get a little ranch
of our own, maybe.

Won't you even think
about it, honey? Please, honey.

Don't you call me ''honey.''
Lewt called me that.
You're all alike!

l hope l didn't say nothing
to hurt your feelings.

That's all right.
l'll marry you
if you still want me to.

You mean it?
l declare. l never saw...
so many cows before
in all my life.

l'm afraid they're not
all cows, Helen.

Sometimes, my dear, l think...
that l didn't
bring you up properly.

All right. l understand.
All l need is a hint.
