Darling, l've been thinking.
Why couldn't there be a spur
track right on Spanish Bit?
Then they could
just ship the cattle...
instead of driving them
all that distance.
You're not even
listening to me, dear.
Certainly l am.
You were saying...
You were asking if...
What were you saying?
l was trying to prove...
what a helpful wife
l'm going to be.
Give me a kiss.
l couldn't help overhearing.
You liked that girl, didn't you?
You still like her?
l'm sure l'll always
be devoted to her.
Hope you'll like her, too.
But you were in love
with her, weren't you?
Yes, l was in love with her.
l said l was.
Jesse. Father.
Sometimes l think he didn't
bring you up properly.
What were you worried about
when l came out just now?
Worried? l was just wondering
what my brother Lewt might do.
Zeke, where's
my peppermint and soda?
Coming up now.
Hear you named the day.
That's right.
Ring just come in the last post.
Mighty pretty. Yep.
You sure are shot full of luck.
l'd like to stand
the drinks for everybody.
l'm getting married
in the morning.
That's fine.
Save your money, Pierce.
So you figure
you got yourself a wife.
l don't figure. l know l have.
Think you can keep her?
Reckon as how l can.
Cattle rustlers
and women rustlers.
Both of them steal...
what's got another man's
brand on it.
l don't think l like
the way you're talking.