Sam Pierce was a good man,
and you're a skunk.
Of all the ornery females.
One minute you're yammering...
because l don't
love you enough...
and when l go out
and show you how much l do...
you're wanting to plug me.
You're my girl, honey.
l was your girl.
Anybody who was my girl
is still my girl.
That's the kind of guy l am.
You know...loyal.
Stay back.
There ain't nobody
gonna take my girl.
l'm saving you, tiger cat.
Just when l figure
l'm doing fine and dandy...
l start thinking about you,
and nothing else is any good.
What's going on around here?
Come in.
Howdy, Senator.
Sorry to be busting in
on you like this.
lt's all right, sheriff.
How's tricks?
How's the law-breaking
Pretty quiet...since Lewt left.
Yeah, pretty dull
without him around.
Ain't heard from him lately,
have you, Senator?
Lewt? Here. Have a bite.
Don't mind if l do.
Wish l could afford this brand.
The next batch l get,
l'll send you some.
No, l ain't heard
a word from Lewt...
since he was attacked
by that no-account Sam Pierce.
How's your other son
feel about it?
l ain't got no other son.
Funny thing--one of the boys...
Lewt? l wish it was so.
Don't mind if l have
a look around, do you?
No. Go ahead, sheriff.
You got your duties to do.