l'm sorry you're gonna have
your trouble for nothing.
l hear Mrs. McCanles
has been feeling kind of poorly.
lt ain't nothing.
Just getting
a little old, l guess.
You reckon the missus
would mind...
if l kind of
looked around her room?
No. Why should she mind?
Go ahead.
Sid, ain't you moved yet?
Come in.
-Evening, ma'am.
Sorry to disturb
your privacy, ma'am.
Sheriff Thompson, what is it?
lt's really nothing, ma'am.
One of the boys
had a fool notion...
that Lewt was around here.
l'm afraid if Lewton
were around...
l'd be the last person
to know it.
Oh, my sons.
My sons.
Let's try this one.
Who's that?
ls that you, girl?
What do you want?
lt's me--Sheriff Thompson.
You ain't seen Lewt, have you?
Lewt? That murdering,
sneaking no-account.
l wish l could see him.
l reckon you do.
l was forgetting
about Sam Pierce.
Good night.
See you at the hanging.
Poor old Mac.
He don't know how close he came
to getting plugged.
Be quiet. lt ain't safe yet.
lt ain't safe for them,
you mean.
There they go now.
l think l'll light out
for Mexico.