l'm gonna grab me a ranch...
that'll make this place
look like a gopher hole.
lt would be like heaven,
being in Mexico together.
l'll show these
heel-squatters around here...
a thing or two about ranching.
You can do it, too.
-Go saddle my pinto.
-What for?
-While l get ready.
-Ready for what?
l'm going with you, of course.
Hurry up.
You wouldn't like it
down there, honey.
Sure, l will. l'll be
a big help to you, too.
l can cook, and l can shoot
as good as you...
and l never get tired riding.
You'll try to stop me
from doing things...
yammering about me
maybe getting shot...
or start all over again
about marrying somebody.
No. l promise l won't never say
another word about marrying.
You'll probably
want to go with me...
every time l feel
like going on a bust...
or playing me some poker.
l wouldn't, honest.
Just so long
as l could be near you.
l'm gonna live my own way.
Nobody's gonna hog-tie me.
l'll come back
every once in a while...
and see you, like tonight.
l'll do anything you say.
Honey, l love you. l'll see you
every time l come back.
l'll send for you someday.
Honest l will.
l want to go with you.
l've got to go with you.
Will you stop your yammering?
l've got to mosey!
You love me!
You said you loved me!
Nobody else can have me
because l'm yours!
l don't want anybody else!
l want you!
l'm yours!
Nobody else can have me!
You said nobody ever!
Now take me with you!
You've got to take me!
Please! Please, honey!
-Shut up!
-Lewt, honey, please!