would bring me back here
except mother.
ls she in her room?
-No, she ain't in her room.
-Where is she?
You'll find her right in there,
in a long pine box.
Hello, Vashti.
-Mr. Jesse--
-No, thank you.
But Mrs. McCanles,
she said to me once...
''Vashti, you be sure and see
that Mr. Jesse eats proper--''
You've been a good friend.
l shan't forget it.
Poor Mrs. McCanles.
l wonder if Miss Pearl
would mind if you woke her up.
l have to go away soon.
l would like to see her.
What's the matter?
Didn't you hear me?
Yes, l heared you.
Only l'm certain sure
the devil hisself...
has been chasing Miss Pearl.
What on earth
are you talking about?
Mrs. McCanles, she treated
Miss Pearl awful good.
She treated everybody
awful good, even me.
And after she went to heaven...
Miss Pearl looks like she's had
a spell or something.
She wouldn't eat nothing.
She wouldn't talk to nobody.
She just stared and stared...
at Mrs. McCanles lying there
so still-like.
She ran to the barn...
and wouldn't come out
for nobody.
Poor Pearl.