Duel in the Sun

l know how fond you were
of those boys...

and how proud
of them you were.

lt don't seem possible...
but l must have been wrong
about a whole lot of things.

Laura Belle warned me
l was spoiling Lewt...

but l wouldn't listen to her.
Look. You see
them plains and hills?

l was so almighty proud...
of what l carved
out of this country.

l figured
l was building something...

for Lewt and Jesse.
And what have l got now?
Lewt a murderer, an outlaw.
Jesse would come back
any time you want him to.

You think so?
He told me to tell you so.
l'm just a lonely old man
who needs a friend...

like you said.
Here's your luggage, miss.
You're Miss Helen, ain't you?
And you're Pearl.
He's been asking for you.
How is he?
He's...gonna be all right.
Thank heaven.
l shouldn't cry. l know it.
He wouldn't like it.
You couldn't do nothing
he wouldn't like.

You're very fond
of Jesse, aren't you?

After my pa...
There wasn't never nobody
good to me like my pa...

Except Mrs. McCanles...
