
- How about 1 ,000 pesos a piece?
- You can't buy your way out of it.

Wait a minute.
All right, Casey, Huerta.
- The man with the sharp friend.
- I said not to bring your own dice.

You really had me fooled last night.
I thought you were someone, not just
the manager of a gambling joint.

- My name is Ballin Mundson.
- Johnny Farrel.

And I'm not the manager,
I own the "joint".

- And I don't like to be cheated.
- There isn't a dice table ...

Nobody wins that much at 21
honestly. You cut the cards well.

It took me years to learn.
You ought to be in jail, but I'm
obligated, since I saved your life.

- You should be more careful.
- Get out of here. Don't come back.

You're being very stupid.
- Probably.
- It's better I gamble on your side.

- I don't like my people cheating.
- I cheat with my own money, sure.

But with your money, I wouldn't
have to cheat. Think it over.

I think I will.
How much time do you give me?

No hurry, take a minute or two.
Excuse me while you decide.
