
Would you like to know how Mundson
came to be the head of the cartel?

- You saw the patents were German.
- They were.

- They belong to my principals.
- Not anymore.

Three years ago, when Argentina was
poised to declare war against us, -

- we allowed Mundson to buy
our patents.

- Good idea. The casino as a front.
- We even advanced him the money.

You couldn't have picked
a nicer man.

We had an agreement. He was to
return our property after the war.

- I didn't find any agreement.
- It was a gentleman's agreement.

- And he wasn't a gentleman?
- He was a madman.

He thought
he could rule the world.

I know.
We had quite a discussion about it.

She still didn't believe
I wasn't coming back.

Every night she got dressed up
and waited.

But Gilda couldn't stand
not knowing the why of things, -

- so she swallowed her pride and
came to see me. That was wonderful.

Hello. Remember me?
I'm Gilda, your wife.

You haven't been around lately.
I thought maybe you had amnesia.
