Nobody has to apologise, because
we were both such stinkers.
- Isn't it wonderful?
- Wonderful ...
I didn't intend to come back
so soon, but I want my wife.
You thought I died that night.
I murdered a man, -
- so I disappeared for a while.
I came to the house to get Gilda.
I found her occupied with you. I had
no time for an emotional scene.
I had a launch waiting for me.
You didn't see me parachute out.
You weren't seeing very clearly that
night. Emotion clouds the brain.
I intended to kill you with this,
to have one friend kill the other.
But now it won't do,
because I have to kill Gilda, too.
I told you I'd be looking ...
Better get out of here,
Uncle Pio, quick!