Mr. Boray.
Mr. Boray.
- Me?
- Mr. Boray, we don't expect you...
...to be with us all the time. But would
you mind keeping in touch with us?
This overture is written
for full orchestra not solo violin.
- Let's try it both ways.
- Let's try it as the composer wrote it, Boray.
All right. I'm sorry.
All right. Once more
from the double bar.
This time, Mr. Boray has promised
to rejoin the orchestra.
It occurs to me, Mr. Boray,
you are very fresh.
Well, that's exactly the quality
that I like in your playing.
All right. From the double bar.
I'm right behind you, Gina.
Get it? See what I mean?
Bach is church windows.
Beethoven is a giant range
of mountains. Wagner is a storm.
- Debussy is the wind in the trees.
- And you? What are you?
Me? I'm the dynamo
that makes them tick.
I'm a self-starter. I'll knock this town
on its ear once I get started.
Nobody sits on my head.
It's full of talent.
Last week, I met José lturbi.
He told me, "Practice.
Learn what they want and play it."
Paul, we've passed my house.
Oh, I'm sorry. Remind me to let you
get in a word every once in a while.
When I get wound up, I just go on and on
until someone changes the needle.
- I know how you feel.
- Do you?
It's funny, you know, I never
open up like this to most people...