But someday I'll have a shop of my own
with two chairs, three chairs, maybe four.
What does the king got? One
chair! But look what's on it.
What about those other women upstairs?
They'll see through your tricky schemes.
In this palace it's
every woman for herself.
Dog eat dog. Let's leave
the queen out of this.
Where is that Beaucaire?
My dear Monseiur Beaucaire, I am now
going in to prepare the queen's bath.
While the queen is taking
her bath, who knows?
I may get to meet the king.
Farewell, barber. Mimi! I'm warning you.
If you go through with this, you'll never
see me again. Have you thought about that?
Well? Well! Well!
I guess you've thought about it. Wait!
Gentlemen, I didn't call
you in to ask your opinion.
I called you in to give you my decision.
Beaucaire! You clumsy
idiot! Oh! Oh, there you are!
Oh, oh, sorry, sire.
But to send the Duke
Deschamps, a dandy, a popinjay.
Whose experience in court diplomacy
is limited to, to courting!
Exactly! Are you quite through, gentlemen?
For if you are... Beaucaire!
What is the matter with you
tonight? Oh, I'm sorry, sire. I...
I'm sorry. It's Mimi.
I'm... Mimi? Who's Mimi?
Oh, your girl.
l-I mean, my girl!
That is, she's our girl.
Gets around, doesn't she? Man,
what are you jabbering about?
Mimi. May I talk to you about
her, sire? Certainly not.
Now, gentlemen, let's
finish with this discussion.
The Duke Deschamps goes to
Spain and he goes tonight!
Who's Mimi? She's been
downstairs, now she's upstairs.
Never mind now. Here's the queen.
Louis, what's this I hear
of Deschamps going to Spain?