Oh, Your Majesty, don't
misunderstand. I'm sure I shan't.
I never do, do I, Louis?
I was telling His Majesty of my patriotism.
These are perilous times, child.
Patriotism is not bought cheaply.
Come, I will see you are amply rewarded.
This is not my day. Guards!
Your Majesty? Escort this
wench to the Spanish border.
But Your Majesty... If ever you set
foot in France, I'll have your head.
Take her away!
Spain? Oh no!
Why, that's the king! Then, who? Beaucaire!
Revenge! I swear revenge!
Tell Madame Pompadour I'm
here. But Your Majesty...
I said, tell her! But, sire.
Duke Deschamps?
We'll see about that.
Perhaps if I intervened
with the king? It's no use.
I'm ordered to leave within the hour.
Farewell, Deschamps.
The king! She was just wishing
me a safe journey, Majesty.
Oh, Your Grace, you've gotta
take me to Spain. Beaucaire!
What are you doing in the
king's robe? I had a chill.
Please take me. Out of the question.
I know I shouldn't
presume... Get out of here!
You know how things are around here.
Can't you do something with him?
Get out! I know, but it's
a matter of life and death.
But I could serve you well. Please?
Now look here, Beaucaire! Oh!