Uh-oh, the queen.
Good-bye, old prune face.
Climb back on your broom.
Charming boy.
What's the meaning of this?
What's he doing in those clothes?
I'll tell you later. Get
in. I will not get in.
Shh! Shh!
Bon voyage! Bon voyage! Bon...
They've chosen the
illustrious Duke Deschamps, eh?
Yes, General.
Quite a choice.
We of Spain should be
highly flattered, gentlemen.
And our lovely princess, Maria?
Has already left the Swiss
convent, traveling incognito.
By now she should be well across France.
Oh? And if the unfortunate young
lady were to die on French soil...
who but the French could
be held responsible, eh?
There's only one answer
our stupid king could give.
You mean war? What else?
During a war anything can
happen. Thrones can topple.
One of determination and
vision might seize the reins...
and... rule Spain.
It will be done, General.
I didn't question it.
I have a great capacity
for gratitude, amigos.
I shall remember you.
How tragic that one so young and
lovely as our Princess Maria...