Deschamps, I insist on your getting
out of those clothes immediately!
I shall change when we approach
the Spanish border, not before.
At the moment it's quite too hot
and I'm quite too comfortable.
Hmm! Quite!
Git up there!
Do you have a spare thong? I
think so. Look under the seat.
Beaucaire, what a beauty.
What an angel. What a vision.
What are we waiting for? I think
the one in the big hat likes you.
Drive on!
- But madame, their harness is broken.
- I said, drive on!
Git up there.
They'll be back. I'm not waiting.
Driver, unhitch one of
those horses! Make it two!
May I remind you, you're supposed to be
a bridegroom en route to your marriage.
An event I can hardly anticipate with relish,
particularly to a woman I've never seen.
Yeah, for all he knows she
may be a big, fat, flabby...
rather attractive type of woman. Shut up!
Yes, sire. And may I further remind you...
I am being held responsible for the
success of the marriage ceremony...
and I assure you I don't intend to fail.
Handsome, wasn't he?
The princess of Spain does not
bestow her smiles upon a stranger.
Especially a commoner.
Commoner or nobleman.
The forces that would prevent your marriage
are desperate and will stop at nothing.
We shall proceed seeing
no one, speaking to no one.
Git up there! Ye-haw!