It might not be easy. They say
he's the finest swordsman in France.
Hardly the finest without his sword.
Do you have a plan? Not at the
moment, but you may be sure...
You cannot stay in Spain.
You have no passport!
Let me go, please! If you send
me back, it means my death.
It's been ordered by the queen
herself. That is no concern of ours!
Come along!
Have her sent to me at once.
We arrive at the tavern in a moment.
If he's not there, for heaven's sake,
remember you're dressed like a duke.
Try and behave like a duke.
When you're expected to bow, bow!
When you're expected to smile, smile.
Yes, sir.
If you're challenged to a duel... I run!
You see, my dear, uh, Mimi, was it?
You see, my dear Mimi, I'm fully
aware of the unjust treatment...
you received at the hands of the French.
The general is most understanding.
Yes, of course, my dear.
And I assure you, most appreciative
of the efforts of his friends.
Just what does the general
have in mind? Oh, a trifle...
for a lady of your obvious accomplishments.
Merely that when my men pay their
respect to the duke tonight...
his sword shall be unavailable. Murder?
Murder? No, no, no. Who speaks
of murder, my dear child?
A simple abduction, just to delay
the wedding for a day or two.
But doesn't that mean war?
War? Tsk, tsk, tsk. What an ugly
thought for such a charming head...
when it might be thinking of a reward.
For instance, a chateaux in Barcelona...
or, uh, perhaps a palace in Madrid.