Did you see all that femininity?
Acres and acres of it.
Boy, what grazing. They happen to
be waiting for the Duke Deschamps.
Say, maybe that's him.
His Excellency, the commanding
general of the Spanish army,
Don Francisco Miguel Carlos
Alta Mira de los Monteros...
y Canseco de la Torre
de la Vega del Palacio...
del Castio de los Rios Garcia Gonzales...
Guacamole Andradre de la Serna.
Must've brought the army
with him. Show him in.
The most powerful man in
Spain. Quick! Put your coat on.
Understand now. I'll do all the
talking, you understand? Okay.
You just do the bowing. Right. Wrong coat!
Wrong coat.
Ah, that's better. Something
missing here. Of course, I am.
Your Grace, we greet
you in the name of Spain.
Your Excellency, we greet
you in the name of France.
Mmm, I, uh, trust Your
Grace had a pleasant trip.
Oh, I had a very good carriage.
My grace was very comfortable.
His Grace is jesting. It was a
most tiresome and dusty journey.
His Grace is really most fatigued.
I feel a little tired too.
A condition easily remedied. I've
taken the liberty of ordering dinner.
Exciting dishes to tempt
the palate. Oh, sp...
Well, I'm... not exactly hungry. I...
Wines to stimulate your
senses. I'm not thirsty.
And after dinner, something to
please Your Grace's discerning eye.
Well, let's start with
the dessert. Shall we go?
You may come too, if you
like. Thank you, Your Grace.
After you. After you.
No, after you. After you.
Aft... After you!