Waiter, fill up your tray keep it that way
Drink, drink drink, drink
Drink so your system can top
Oh, drink every drop in the shop
Drink, drink drink, drink
Drink 'til your liver is pink
Mimi, what are you doing here? Shh,
let's go someplace where we can talk.
All right, in here.
Mimi, let me look at
you. It's good to see you.
And you, too, Beaucaire. Oh, oh, Mimi.
I, I never expected this. I thought
you might even be angry with me.
Angry with you? Whatever for? Well...
You know I kinda got
you kicked out of France.
Oh, but you didn't
mean to, did you? Uh-uh.
It was just a mistake, a silly
little mistake. That's right.
And we all make mistakes, don't
we? Let's not stop now, huh?
But what are you doing
in the duke's clothes?
Oh, I was just taking his place
for a while. You know the duke.
Cherchez la femme?
Thanks, don't mind if I do.
Well, so they chose you above all others...
to impersonate the irresistible Deschamps.
That's right. Surprised? Not at all.
I think the choice was obvious.
You really think so? Certainly.
One can't hide quality in breeding.
When you got it, you got it.
There's nothing you can do about it.
Oh, you're so right.
One look is enough. That regal
forehead. Runs in the family.
The Hapsburg chin. Got that from my mother.
The Bourbon nose. Got that from
my father, drank like a fish.
Those dark, flashing eyes.
That soft, lustrous hair.
You should see it after a rinse.
Oh, Mimi, let's forget the past and
settle down together here in Spain.
Just the two of us? That's
the usual number, isn't it?
I must admit it's, uh, tempting. Tempting?
Why, it's, uh... Say, it is tempting.