He'll require a few more moments.
This is terrible. It's
time for the presentation.
What'll I do, Beaucaire?
Oh, don't look at me. You?
Do you think for one moment...
I'd present you to the king? Yes, I do.
That would finish us. Yes. Especially me.
I wouldn't present you to the
lowest flea on the shaggiest mongrel.
Deschamps! Oh, not me. I...
Oh, am I glad to see you!
Your Grace, thank heaven you're here.
You must get out of those
rags immediately. Yeah, me too.
No. He'll need the presentation suit.
I've scoured Madrid. Not a trace of her.
Forget her. She's just another
woman, another hank of hair,
a smile, piece of lace, a dimple.
Women are all alike... sensational!
Beaucaire! Oh, he's been a trial.
I'm glad you arrived in time, your...
Deschamps? Deschamps?
Oh no! Not again?
Deschamps? Your Grace, where are you going?
Don't worry. I'll be back.
Oh, fine. Probably that girl again.
The man's insane. Risking
everything for a woman's love.
Can it be that important?
How old are you?
Looking for someone?
You? Here? How? No questions.
I found you again and
that's all that matters.
Why did you come here? Because I love you.